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How to speed up metabolism


How to speed up metabolism


Metabolism is the process of burning the body of energy generated from food in order to do the basic functions of life, but there are ways to speed up the conversion of food into energy process, examples:
– Exercise: It occupies the first place, any activity leading to increased heart rate speeds up metabolism. , Swimming, running or even just walk leads to burning more calories. And several hours remain until after the completion of exercise
– Eating seafood rich in iodine: which improves the thyroid gland, which in turn helps to increase the speed of metabolism by producing more of the hormone thyroxine.
– Eat an adequate amount of protein foods: that needs to be digested thermal units increased by 18%, on what it needs to digest carbohydrates or fat.
– Eat small meals and the Organization every three or four hours: helps to increase the burn and reduce the feeling of hunger, which leads to over-eating sometimes.
– Eating hot peppers and spices: containing material Alcabsesen it speeds up metabolism by 50% for 3 hours after eating.
– Drink a lot of water.
– Eat an adequate amount of dietary fiber.
– Eat an adequate amount of iron in the food.



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