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Important information you should know a patient of hypertension


You should consider the following:
1. Reduce the use of table salt.
2. Reduce the use of preserved foods (because they contain high levels of sodium as a preservative).
3. away from many salt snacks such as potato chips and pretzels and salted nuts and Albestrmp.
4. Avoid eating junk food “Fast Foods” because many of them contain a high concentration of sodium.
5. Avoid any sources of salt such as cheese, turkey, olives, pickled and preserved fish.
6. Read the paper pasted various foods in the market to make sure that the ratio of sodium.
. Blood pressure treatment
You must take into account the patient’s quality of his food with high blood pressure, increasing the consumption of vegetables, fruits, and reduces the amount of fat and cholesterol, and this will help to reduce the pressure and also the weight which will help his health.
* / Should be natural foods unprocessed and non-purified eat, including fruits and vegetables, garlic, onion, and securities Khadra, soy, legumes, seeds, grains, nuts, olive oil and fish such as tuna, sardines, salmon and mackerel.
* / Reduction of sodium (salt) and increased potassium in the food. Valtkulail of sodium works more effectively when a lot of potassium.
* / Must abstain from salt, sugar and processed food and fried fast foods and coffee and all caffeine products.
* / Should drink a lot of water every day.
* / Yogurt and dairy proteins have an effect in reducing high blood pressure.
nutrition supplements:
* / Eating 800 -1500 mg of calcium days.
* / Eating 1000 mg of vitamin C daily
* / Koanzim Que eating 10 coenzyme Q10 50 mg twice daily.
* / Meal of flaxseed a day: 2-4 tablespoons of ground flax seeds per day, which contain fiber and Li Allijnan and vitamin, it can replace that big spoon of flax oil (hot oil) per day.

Herbal treatment of pressure:
Herbs are not any significant side effects when used according to the proposed doses, with the exception of some upset stomach or headache in a few cases. And advisable to use herbal combinations of high quality, and it must be known that it is not in abundance or composition of its strength is cured but using the appropriate doses. In the case of the use of medicinal herbs The physician should be informed of this herbal treatment.
* / Hibiscus: Recent scientific studies have confirmed that the hibiscus drink cold or hot stimulates the heart muscle and is useful in lowering high blood pressure and limits the growth of cancerous tumors to the human body.
The researchers say that hibiscus under used drink to reduce high blood pressure, but the study gave outstanding results highlighted the role of hibiscus drink to activate and strengthen the heart muscle and the hibiscus contains a high proportion of vitamin C. Furthermore, it can strengthen the heart and activate also relying on herbs such as coriander and mint ginger, thyme, pomegranate and artichoke.
* / Green tea: proven that the article “Katychen” in green tea may reduce the secretion of “angiotensin 2,” which play a role in high blood pressure rates. And drink green tea every day and regularly able to reduce high blood pressure.
* / Garlic: Known for his ability to clean up the arteries and reducing blood pressure and cholesterol and thus the prevention of heart attacks and strokes.

Some aromatherapy effect in calming the nerves which will reflect positively on blood pressure, such as lavender oil and perfume of roses.

Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables:
The foods that contain an abundance of fruits and vegetables may be the best way to prevent the food of developing high blood pressure. This type of food that contains fiber, potassium, magnesium and calcium, all of which protects you from developing high blood pressure

Eating potassium-rich foods:
The food is rich with potassium protects you from developing high blood pressure and cerebral strokes. And potassium-rich foods include oranges and bananas and raisins and figs and potatoes cooked Bakecrha and cooked beans and low-fat yogurt and cereal starch-containing bran

Amenta about salt:
If you suffer from high blood pressure, avoid salty foods do not add salt to foods. If you were not experiencing such a case, there is disagreement on whether to help you avoid the salt will protect you from injury or not. Some people seem to be more sensitive to salt and to benefit more than others to reduce what they are eating of salt. And more recent studies suggest that reducing salt may be more useful in particular for the elderly over the age of sixty

Reduce weight and good body shape:
Whenever your body’s largest, it was difficult to work on the heart to pump blood to all parts of your body. And reduce body weight to the normal level can be is all you need to prevent or to treat high blood pressure. And reduce overweight have a major impact on your blood pressure even if it did not reach the ideal weight. This is particularly true for people who have piles of fat around the waist area, who they described as their bodies resemble an apple and not a pear-like fruit. And the relationship between high blood pressure and overweight be realized particularly for adults from a young age to middle age.

Even if they were not experiencing an increase in weight, your practice the sport can lower your blood pressure. And aerobic exercises like walking slowly or ride a bike or vigorous walking, three to five times a week for a period of not less than thirty minutes has been found to be effective in preventing high blood pressure.



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