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The benefits of dried apricots


– Fighting cancer:
Studies at the Institute of Oncology in Shanghai proved that eating dried apricots protects the body from cancer, especially liver cancer.

– Anemia:
Dried apricots contain a high content of iron is the most the rest of the dried fruit makes it an important component for the treatment of anemia. It also contains copper, which absorbs iron.

– Constipation:
Dried Almch contain cellulose, a mild laxative and treats constipation. Cellulose serves as the fiber is soluble pectin and keeps the water levels in the body during constipation.

– Digestion:
That taking a few kernels of dried apricots before eating stimulates digestion. Valmhamsh dried helps in the treatment of the digestive tract by acting as a mild laxative to expel the unwanted waste.

– Skin :
Dried apricots can be used to treat itching due to sunburn, eczema and scabies. It also helps to clear acne and many other skin problems treatment. It is often used to rub apricot peel skin.

– Pacemaker:
Dried apricots very good source would be useful to organize a proper fluid balance, as it helps in the proper function of muscles and regulates heartbeat.

– Relieve asthma:
Health benefits also include dried apricots for the ability to treat the symptoms of tuberculosis, asthma and bronchitis.



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