Its high levels of a substance called Alkirsatin name and is a natural substance that is as anti-inflammatories, and this article found in onions, more than any other food and is worth mentioning that fat cells in the body contain chemicals inflammatory called cytokines name so taken with antioxidants it will reduce the level of inflammation in the body and these substances are found in onions and foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids such as fish.
It contains sulfur compounds that decrease the level of cholesterol in the blood and protects the body from exposure to blood clotting and raise lipoprotein high-density level.
The fibers also contain pectin and red pigment and some other ingredients that make the body’s consumption of calories and at least make the digestive system and the movement of his best.
The decrease in the blood level of cholesterol and LDL cholesterol in the body in general and if Mutira to eat mushrooms and enter it in your diet, it will increase lipoprotein high-density in your body.
It contains alcohol acid which prevent turning Alcarbohedrih material into fat inside your body.
It contains high amounts of protein, so it makes you feel full if summits taking it for breakfast which makes you Tazvin eating frequently making the amount of fat within the body less.
Contain a large amount of dietary fiber as it is low-calorie, it is advisable to address them if Conti’re following the diet regime because it contributes to give you a sense of satiety lasts a long time.
The rate of decrease of insulin in your body, making it converts calories into energy, and this in turn makes it less fat and grease in it.
Such as almonds Eat a little of it between meals because it contributes to give you a sense of satiety, which contributes to the lack of Akabbalk to eat frequently as it increases the body’s process of representation of food and Strive to be fresh and unsalted.
Vegetables and fruit eliminate belly fat