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Stuffed Grape Diet Paper


Stuffed Grape Diet Paper

Way de Ankhaliky eat the sweetest and most beautiful and lighter Stuffed Grape Leaves in your life, Hnkther vegetables, meat and Alasaj be without fat, and soup Bradw without fat, and increase our lemon juice (in the case of grape leaves only) Ingredients:

Half a kilo Grape Leaves Girls – a quarter kilogram of meat browned minced Masj without fat (uncooked in uncooked) – Limon – minced garlic – half a kilo tomato Masorh – 3 parsley packs – 1 dill – 1 Coriander Green – 3 onions chopped – salt – Pepper – soup Aldhn- free from half a cup of rice washed and drained basmati (per half kilo of grapes half a cup of rice paper only about 8 tablespoons)


1. wash the grape leaves and prepare boiling water and the salt and lemon juice and put grape leaves (in batches) in boiling water less than a minute and Ntalaah immediately filtered its water and cool down.

2. bring mixed stuffed Diet: bring in a vase chopped onion and tomato juice and cut foliage and Alasaj Diet with washed rice, salt, pepper and teaspoon oil.

3. Upon grape leaves filler Hnkther class external (possible Another element papers grapes over some and anti Pthacy) and disseminating layer of grape leaves and then add a little minced garlic and lemon juice, then Trsy another layer of fingers grapes Innards of paper and salt added Bradw little garlic minced and lemon juice until the end of each quantity.

4. lifted on fire and then add the soup without the fat and leave it at least minutes until the liquid then cover and dedicate the fire until tender offers and felicitously and labrum.

Greetings m / Najla Youssef



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