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Simple steps to get rid of muscle pain after exercise


Simple steps to get rid of muscle pain after exercise

Do you suffer from muscle pain after exercise for the first time and extends these pains for 48 hours, forcing you to wade to abandon the exercise .. you have to follow the following tips provided by Dr. Khaled Youssef Consultant therapeutic feeding and obesity for Taatmkny enjoy healthy and free exercise of aches annoying.

-agafy Down cold water for a few minutes and then warm water and repeat the process helps to stimulate blood circulation and relax muscles.

-marsy Warm-up exercises before you start to exercise because it provides the oxygen needed by muscles during the training period and enhances the activity of the circulatory system.

-amutiry On healthy nutrition in magnesium and protein Alazmin to get the body healthy and limber and able to exercise without feeling tired and fatigue.

-marsy Exercise gradually so as not to feel pain in your muscles as a result of Bzk great effort during the training period.



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