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Food Tips to avoid diabetes


Food Tips to avoid diabetes


Diabetes is a disease that has become widespread so much in the recent period between the people and became infected by all the different races and ages, but recent studies have proved that man can protect himself from the disease if you follow certain dietary habits.


1. Eat vegetables

– Make sure you eat your vegetables and eat authorities with a small amount of vinegar before eating carbohydrates because it contributes to the level of glucose control in the blood.


2. Angosai of excess weight

– The majority of people infected with the status of pre-diabetes are overweight when increases cell size and number in the body that cause the release of factors are insulin resistance with the accumulation of fat in muscle, liver, and this causes the insulin resistance also and so care must be taken to reduce the body weight and follow a healthy diet.


3. Balanced Diet

– A balanced diet is to reduce the saturated fats found in fast food and fried and crackers, and so you must visit a doctor immediately if you feel up your weight and dry throat and pale face and nighttime urination in abundance and delayed wound healing and weight loss significantly.


4. Eat whole grains

– Eat whole grains gives the body fitness and regulates the level of sugar in the blood and careful addressed frequently contributes to reduce the chances of developing breast cancer and type II diabetes and high blood pressure is and strokes.


5. Eat onions

– Onions, one of the best foods that protect the body from diabetes because it contains a substance Algelokonyn which you specify the percentage in the blood and works to insulin equation Flo made a point of eating onion with the average size of each day, you you will be asked to reduce the amount of sugar in the blood and dry mouth and thirst.


6. Exercise

– Exercise maintains a healthy life, not only does decrease body weight and so must your system athlete has a normal exercises and medium next to healthy food.


7. Eat fiber

Try eating foods that contain a high proportion of fiber.


8. vinegar

– Eat two tablespoons of vinegar before eating foods that contain carbohydrates contribute to disable digest starchy enzymes and digest carbohydrates slowly, and this is very similar in its effect with drugs that reduce the level of sugar in the blood.



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