* Juice helps to reduce high blood pressure *
Each of the components of this juice have unique medicinal properties of its kind, such as blood and reduce high blood pressure naturally cleanse.
In order to provide the dramatic results desired as soon as you should avoid fat and salt (sodium salt) and avoid canned food and any food containing preservatives due to the high sodium by the ratio and you have to drink a lot of water and drink this juice twice a day to find a significant improvement in your blood pressure.
* Note:
Results may be different for each person. When the pressure does not stop the drug without consulting your doctor drops.
The amounts of the juice:
– 2 pear
– 2 promises of celery
– Package green coriander
– A quarter of a lemon Bakecrha
All components are placed in a blender and hit and drank one cup unfiltered twice a day.
M / Najla Youssef