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Cucumbers, lettuce, carrots, figs magic solutions to hydrate the body with high heat


Cucumbers, lettuce, carrots, figs magic solutions to hydrate the body with high heat
Sarah wrote

In the summer some of the members of the body may encounter a number of problems and symptoms as a result of increased air temperature affected the body that increase, Fjvav skin, fatigue and lack of salts and minerals are all of the negative effects that may be exposed to it, because of increased warming and the loss of large amounts of water during the race process.

Dr. Khaled Youssef, Specialist obesity and thinness,

It provides a list of major types of food that help to hydrate the body and supplied with fluid, namely:

1. figs:

And contains a large percentage of the element potassium, which the body compensates for the loss of this element as a result of sweat, it also provide the body with the necessary energy.

2. Option:

It contains a large proportion of the water as it is a good choice for those who follow a diet Mnhva.

3. islands:

The water is the main component of the islands as it contains a substance “beta-carotene” which is important to the health and safety of members of the body element.

4. Watermelon: Summer fruit containing a high proportion of water also contains the most important elements necessary for the body such as calcium, potassium, magnesium. 5. Lettuce: The best types of vegetables that provide the body with water in the summer.



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