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A diet change necessary to ensure the continuation of the process of losing weight


A diet change necessary to ensure the continuation of the process of losing weight

Sarah Haggag wrote:

At the beginning of follow diets are often observed to suffer from obesity and weight reduction to increase dramatically and the phenomenon of the rate, but with the passage of time this rate starts to decline.

And the reasons and ways to deal with that problem, Dr. Khaled Youssef Specialist obesity and thinness says that the main reason for the loss diets effective in weight loss, due to familiarity with the body on the quantity and quality of the food, and thus quickly begin to cope with it through the slow burn fat rate, which what loses effect after a certain period of time varies from one individual to another depending on the quality of the food, which was addressed before you follow the diet.

To remedy that problem confirms “Joseph” the need to change the diets in terms of quality and quantity of the food contained in each period, including no more than one week to two, in order to stimulate the body to stimulate the burning again and the weight loss is the best rate, as advised to increase our practice rate of Sport with time passing.



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