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Lentils ideal food for diabetics and does not cause weight gain


Lentils ideal food for diabetics and does not cause weight gain

Lentils of the most important types of pulses, which interfere in the preparation of the most famous Egyptian cuisine, but unfortunately Many have believed that lentils of the meals that they suffer obesity and weight gain. Which denies obesity and thinness Specialist Khaled Youssef,

He explained that the reason behind the lentils link to obesity, is the quality of the food that goes into the composition, and also the additives used in its preparation. Indicates that, for example adding butter and margarine for lentil soup, with eating to live next to them, are the main causes that lead to increase the calories we get from eating lentil soup dish.

He continues: while eating lentil soup alone and without any other add-ons do not cause obesity,

The lentils multiple benefits most important to reduce blood cholesterol and is therefore an important food for patients with blood pressure, high and hardening of the arteries, but also works to regulate blood sugar, is the perfect meal for diabetics,

Lentils also contain a high proportion of the most important elements necessary for the body such as iron, which makes it an effective treatment for patients with anemia and anemia.

Contrary to what is commonly Valads has an important meal of the accursed lowering weight systems, it offers a great deal for the body of proteins existing in meat, compared to less than the percentage of calories, it is healthy and safe alternative to animal protein.



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