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This site was launched for the dissemination of culture, food and attention to nutritional programs for all patients for distinct life and better health. We aim to edit and change all behaviors and mistakes and food which is the main cause of chronic diseases, especially overweight and obesity. Therefore, we divided the site into sections are varied and include special regulations, food diverse patients with obesity and thinness, which covers all the body's needs, including cooking and food sanitary ways in a special section of the kitchen to prepare the medical m. Najla Joseph, including a special new in the treatment of obesity and ways of feeding modern new Department of Nutrition, and a special section for articles in newspapers, newspapers and Web sites, and the most important section of the site a success to motivate patients and encourage them stories through the deployment of other outstanding experiences and finally seminars, meetings and television programs help at a briefing visitors site, I site would I like. Do not forget the good prayers

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شاى الماتشا للتخسيس

١- شاي الماتشا غني بالكاتشين، وهو عبارة عن نوع من المركبات النباتية التي تعمل كمضادات طبيعية للأكسدة، التي تساعد في…

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