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10 Food Tips protect you from osteoporosis


10 Food Tips protect you from osteoporosis

Many of the people some of the symptoms that may be behind osteoporosis suffers, which is often the reason behind the infection after eating habits such as over-eating soft drinks and does not contain a diet sufficient in calcium, leading to poor bone mass and pain sensation just to do simple work, especially in women.

The cause of osteoporosis, to some fractures in the bones of the spine or pelvis, Owalfajven, or detailed palm of the hand.

It offers Dr. Khaled Youssef, Consultant obesity and thinness, and therapeutic feeding, nutritional tips to protect against osteoporosis ..

1. attention to eat foods rich in vitamin “K” such as beef liver and chicken liver, egg yolk, cabbage and broccoli, is related to the fragility and weak bones through a complex vital systems in the body.

2. attention to eating foods rich Balmagnseyoum such as: dates, sesame seeds, yogurt and skim beans and cocoa to the role of magnesium is important to the safety and strength of the bone.

3. Non-wasteful Eat protein foods such as meat and poultry to reduce the lost calcium from the body in urine.

4. Not to over eat spinach and tea to the large number of their contents from “oxalate” component that is strongly associated with calcium ions in the digestive system, which reduces absorbed, and thus decreases the bone benefit from the rich food intake of calcium, and with moderate intake of tea should be no increase for fall papers prepared in water for two minutes to reduce the amount of oxalate learned from it.

5. Avoid eating too much food and salted pickles and quick meals to reduce the salt of calcium lost from the body in urine.

6. attention to eating fruits and vegetables because they contain many important nutrients needed by the body in small quantities in the activity of bone cells.

7. physical activity, and the simplest form walking to maintain bone strength.

8. refrain from smoking for its negative effects on bone tissue even realized the body take advantage of the necessary diet for strength and safety of bone components.

9. daily direct sun exposure during both the forenoon or afternoon for 10 minutes to produce what the body needs vitamin “d” is essential for bone strength and strengthen the use of calcium in building bone, a vital process, known as “calcification.”

10. Limit the intake of carbonated cola drinks because they contain acid “phosphoric” causing the imbalance between phosphorus and calcium which weakens bones.



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