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Natural recipe for treating hair loss and growth


Natural recipe for treating hair loss and growth


Article by Dr. Khaled Youssef on the portal delegation

Hair loss is caused by frequent exposure to chemicals or some psychological factors such as depression or stress or some other genetic and hormonal factors that weaken the hair follicles and makes them incapable of germination of hair again Faisab hair lightness and precipitation.

Among the most important hair loss treatment is to feed the hair follicles properly that increase hair strength and prevent hair loss; in addition, they increase the density of hair so it offers you Dr. Khaled Youssef Specialist diseases, obesity and thinness; a natural recipe for treating hair loss and stimulate growth.
Dr Khaled Youssef, you can stimulate hair growth and reduce hair loss significantly by using a mixture of rosemary oil with jojoba oil and warms the oil and massaged his scalp, cover the head a plastic lid and wrap wet towels warm water for the duration (30-45 minutes) once or twice a week for a month and, if rosemary oil is not available you can put a handful of fresh rosemary in a pint of boiling water and covered the pot and turn off the fire and leave about 5 hours, then drain and Keep the liquid in a glass jar in the refrigerator, use it a quarter cup (warmed before use) and placed on the scalp with the massages and the same previous steps.



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