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Very important for patients with thyroid


Medical report issued recently revealed by the Center for the Cleveland Clinic Medical important information on patients with hypothyroidism, a common disease which affects more than 60 million people worldwide, is the most prominent symptoms: weakness, fatigue, weight gain and anemia.

The report pointed out that patients with hypothyroidism they must refrain from eating soy, which contain large amounts of Aloezovlavon vehicles “isoflavones”, which reduce thyroid hormone levels by inhibiting the enzyme activity “thyroid peroxidase”, which reduces the rate of burning the body and show symptoms of the disease.

As the report pointed to the need to move away from eating vegetables that belong to the Crusader family such as cabbage, cauliflower, kale and broccoli, which reduces all the previous foods mentioned functions of the thyroid gland, because they contain a substance “isothiocyanates” which reduce thyroid hormone manufacture thyroid, which reduces rates burn fat in the body.

The researchers added that the peanut is the third foods that the gland thyroid patients should be avoided, where the limits of its functions, the only one among the legume family this harmful effect on the thyroid happen, so you are advised to stay away from eating.



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