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Sarah wrote

Considered fat concentrated in the abdominal area of the most common problems faced by men and women alike, as they sometimes are not linked to weight gain and obesity in the rest of the body, and the most important ways and tips that will help in getting rid of concentrated in the area of fat, said Dr. Khaled Youssef Specialist obesity The thinness of the Egyptian Society for the Study of obesity, a member of the American Society of obesity:

There are some ways that will work on getting rid of fat concentrated in the middle of the body is the most important:

1. interest in addressing anti-oxidants such as green tea and blueberries, strawberries and apples.

2. Regular exercise and a daily, not necessarily to be a violent sport, but can simply walk half an hour to an hour a day, preferably walking in the open place to get the best results.

3. Drink plenty of water for at least two liters and a half to three liters of water a day.

4. In the end, can be used in ways that topical treatment such as thermal frequency sessions to get rid of the fat remaining Statistics.



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