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Energy drinks weaken the heart muscle and cause infertility


Energy drinks weaken the heart muscle and cause infertility

Sarah Haggag wrote:

Spread several years ago energy drinks, which are promoted as a product gives the consumer additional power and ability to accomplish its tasks with the highest concentration of activity.

But Dr. Khaled Youssef Specialist obesity and thinness strongly warns against eating this kind of drinks,

And it confirms that the latest studies which have been proved disastrous results having negative effects might be exposed to in the case has dealt with those drinks routinely or frequently for long periods of human,

The most important findings is the impact of energy drinks on heart muscle work, since they contain a substance called “ephedrine”, which directly affect the regularity of the heart and lead to poor performance significantly.

Some research has also shown that this type of drinks a negative impact and the forces on the reproductive ability of men,

It may amount to full-injury cases infertility. Besides all of the above high thermal Valsarat contained in these drinks are considered a major cause of injury to excess weight and obesity.



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