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Women .. breastfeeding your chance to get rid of excess weight


Sarah Haggag wrote

Natural that women exposed to an increase in weight during pregnancy, often facing severe difficulty in restoring the former weight before pregnancy, and the reason for that is because the erroneous concepts relating to that stage.

She followed him to the opinion of Dr. Khaled Youssef Specialist obesity and thinness that breastfeeding a golden opportunity for women to lose weight gained during pregnancy, it features breastfeeding it works to burn the equivalent of 500 calories per day in milk production process,

And thus is an effective way to lose excess weight. But because of misconceptions about that stage just the opposite happens, women, and increased in weight doubly as a result of food behaviors unhealthy and that rely on eating doubling of food fat amounts, and foods that contain a high concentration of sugars, which do not represent any significance despite the increase milk production next they help overweight.

So Khalid advised making sure to eat foods and beverages that help to milk production and feed the baby and pain without adding calories unnecessarily and most important food and drinks are leafy vegetables, dairy products, low-fat, fresh fruit, natural juices Kalinson and mint.



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