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To take advantage of the water .. know the quantities and dates of healthy drink


To take advantage of the water .. I know the quantities and dates of healthy drink

Article by Dr. Khaled Youssef on the seventh day

Sarah Haggag wrote

The water of the most important elements necessary for the human body, and stresses all doctors to deal with specific amounts of water every day, where they help to improve the performance of all members of the body, as is the water intake of the most important means to regulate weight and treat obesity.

But what are the necessary quantities of water and dates covered throughout the day?

This is illustrated by the obesity and thinness Specialist Khaled Youssef said, the beginning must not be less than the water we eat for a day and a half to two liters to three liters, or the equivalent of eight glasses of 250 ml or 300 ml quantity.

The distribution is ideal for water intake dates as follows:

– Kuban before breakfast on an empty stomach daily, with water running in that period on purifying the body of toxins and increase the burn rate, and, of course, helps the body to work efficiently throughout the day, which gives us a sense of vigilance and activity, preferably the water is at body temperature and not be cool or icy.

– Kuban before three main meals work to improve bowel movements and prevent constipation, as Amnha additional feeling of satiety before eating, which reduces the amount of food intake substantially and helps regulate weight.



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