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Open Achtaaralojbh rules for successful diet


Open Achtaaralojbh rules for successful diet

Sarah wrote pilgrims:

With all diet aimed at weight loss, physician supervisor often advised to one meal per week, are not subject to the rules of a low-calorie diet. The importance of open meal to the diet Many believe that a meal Open main goal is to break the strict diet routine,

But according to the opinion of Khaled Youssef dietitian, it is next to break the routine food Open Valojbh play an important role in the success of the diet, and maintaining the balance of the body, it helps to activate fat burning rate, which has been gradually slowing as a result of eating low food intake throughout the week. And that meal comes Reduced Calorie higher and more fatty components, what drives your metabolism to increase the activity and work in the burning of fat and calories.

Open specifications meal:

Khalid warns of breach manner eating that meal, or components handled open a meal is not a thing at all,

But his rules must be adhered to to ensure the success of the diet as a whole, including:

– Meal must be in a fixed and definite each week day.

– The meal does not distribute throughout the day and eat in one hour, including candy.

– Avoid body weight for the next three days after the open of the meal.



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