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The benefits of exercise


– Raise the morale of the people and increases the secretion of the hormone serotonin.

– Reducing the body’s need for insulin

Reduced sugar turning into fat rate

Reduced rate of fat in the body

-thvez Rate of burning calories in the body and thus helps in maintaining weight and fitness.

Increased muscle mass in the body

– Increasing the deposition of calcium in the bones, and raise the ability to exercise for a longer period, and increase the burning of fat enzymes in the body.

WEIGHT LOSS -asahm in excess in the event of his followers with the diet, helping to strengthen the muscles and thus the body be more burning of calories.

– Strengthening the ability to control hunger and boost the morale and reduce stress and aggressive behavior.

Assists healthier life where raising the beneficial cholesterol rate in the blood and increase the access of oxygen to the brain and lungs.

Raising the ability to withstand the heat and raise the body’s ability to withstand the cold weather



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