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Mushroom strengthens the immune system and resist cancer and fights obesity


Mushroom strengthens the immune system and resist cancer and fights obesity
Many years ago has spread fungus mushroom (mushrooms) and began the invasion of Egyptian cuisine, it has met with strong demand from the Egyptians, and recently began to show many of the research conducted to demonstrate the benefits of this fungus results. He explains Dr. Khaled Youssef Specialist obesity and thinness, the most important results of such research, namely:

– Alternative low-calorie protein for those who want thinness; as it contains percent grams of mushrooms on only 20 calories, which is so longer an option Brotineya can replace animal products in case the desire to lose weight.

– A rich source of many vitamins and minerals; and contains the fungus on a large number of important body proportions and large elements such as vitamin “B complex,” vitamin “d” and Cu, potassium, and a number of important fatty acids.

– Helps regulate blood pressure and support the work of the heart and arteries. – It is one of the most powerful antioxidants, so it protects the cell from free radicals and cancer, and strengthens and supports the immune system.



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