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Study: Green Tea treats depression and protects the heart and cures a headache and asthma


Study: Green Tea treats depression and protects the heart and cures a headache and asthma


There are studies confirm that green tea beside it reduces weight, it treats mental disorders, that is, a tranquilizer,

Some experiments also confirm that eating a useful green tea’s ability to think better,

It is useful to prevent tooth decay with fluoride because of his riches, and raises the body’s energy,

It is useful to sterilize the stomach and intestines, and also useful in cleansing the body of harmful viruses and bacteria, especially the skin,

And it reduces bad breath.

There are also experiments indicate that green tea lowers blood pressure and helps organize the work of the heart,

And it protects against atherosclerosis,

And treats asthma and bronchitis,

In Chinese medicine we recommend drinking tea for the treatment of headaches, indigestion and depression.



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