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Chicken Curry Sauce



Boneless chicken breasts skin and bone and fat – teaspoon oil – tbsp curry powder – chopped onion – half a teaspoon minced garlic – salt – pepper – a teaspoon of flour whole pill – and half a cup of water – parsley – chopped Beauty


Chicken breasts cut into small cubes somewhat and then put the oil in a Tasa and heat, then add the chicken meat and Ncouh from all sides even hold together and nearly a maturity then lifted aside. At the same Tasa put the chopped onion and garlic and Ahouh until yellow and then add curry and flour and Ncouh minutes and then Nbadha from the fire and let it calm down and then add water and toss quickly so as not to clump (if the bloc happened: hit immediately in a blender) and then returned to fire and season with salt and pepper and add the chicken meat and former Aglua together for 3 minutes, then sprinkle on the face chopped parsley and served with a green salad and boiled rice built and felicitously and labrum. M / Najla Joseph.



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