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Cheese tofu (soy milk)


Cheese tofu (soy milk)

Cheese tofu made from soy milk and the way it works in the same department at the site


Soy milk – salt or lemon juice, lemon

Langley soy milk on the fire and then publish it a pinch of salt, then we add lemon salt dissolved in a little water or lemon juice with moving the milk before adding salt or lemon and then gradually stir a little and then Ntefy fire and left to hold together for an hour or two hours

Cut the cheese and then taken from the vessel and placed in gauze and we Bazareth to remove excess water and leave the other to hold together more. You can use this cheese as a substitute for cheese made from animal materials with a note that he should not use tofu cheese only twice to three times a week .. And since the soybean contains a hormone similar to the hormone feminine (estrogen) is preferred to minimize very ones for males.

M / Najla Youssef



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