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Peach cure for obesity, anemia, constipation and protect against colds


Peach cure for obesity, anemia, constipation and protect against colds

Peach of the most important kinds of summer fruit, with a distinctive taste and multiple benefits,

So Dr. Khaled Youssef Specialist obesity and thinness are advised making sure to take it up throughout the season appearances,
Vakhawkh provide the body with many of the necessary elements. For the most important benefits of peach Versdha Dr. Khalid in the following points:

– Containing prunes are high in fiber, which is working on the organization of the work and the movement of the intestines, and protect against heart constipation.

– Peach Featuring a small number of calories, so it helps in weight loss systems and works to get rid of excess weight, especially that eating fruits peach gives a sense of satiety quickly, runs next to hours of eating.
– Contains a large number of important elements, especially metals such as iron, which is the active ingredient in the treatment of anemia and anemia, so try eating a peach for those who suffer from these diseases.
– Peach works to stimulate blood circulation in the body, improves the efficiency of their work significantly.
– Protects against exposure to colds and throat infections, in order to contain a high concentration of vitamin “C”



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