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Your refusal to release fat intake will ultimately expose you to danger


Your refusal to release fat intake will ultimately expose you to danger

Sarah Haggag wrote

Some people believe that fat is the number one enemy of agility, and that in order to maintain the weight loss should refrain completely from eating.

Confirms Dr. Khaled Youssef Nutrition Specialist, non-validity of those beliefs, and the fat of the important elements of the human body can not be dispensed with, otherwise subjected to many serious health problems.

Dr. Khaled explains some of the benefits of fat, namely:

1. Fat active burning rate: Contrary to common belief that eating fat leads to obesity and weight gain, but to refrain from addressed fully is what is a major cause of obesity, a person who refrains from eating fat weakens the burning of calories rate, where the body gets used to burn only simple materials and thus get lazy and weaknesses and gradually less burn rate. So you should eat a reasonable amount of fat a day in order to keep the body’s calorie-burning rate, and that process in order to remain active and effective.

2. fat necessary for brain cells: Dr. Khaled Youssef explains that the fat is one of the most important elements that keeps the brain cells and protect them from damage and aging, as evidenced by many of the recent research. He added that he should eat fat in moderation, pointing to the importance of attention to the size and type of fat that should be addressed in a day, so we get what we need from the benefits while avoiding the negative effects.

Dr. Khaled Youssef also pointed out that the best way to get these benefits, is to eat healthy fats such as olive oil, corn yellow and butter, as far as not to exceed three tablespoons a day, spread throughout the day, and avoid getting fat from malicious sources such as food and fried food takeaway.



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