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Beware of the phenomenon of mindless eating


Dr. Khaled Youssef writes: Beware of the phenomenon of mindless eating

Do you eat and you are not hungry? If so, you are among the millions who are victims of eating mindless, this is a phrase coined by psychiatrist at Cornell University (Brian Wansink) to describe the eating habits unconsciously and that can lead to weight that unnecessary increase. The good news: is that you can usually convert to mindless eating better and maybe even help in weight loss dietary habits simply by making small changes such as eating in smaller dishes. In the American Psychiatric Association’s annual meeting, he described Dr. (Wansink) experiences in mindless eating and strategies for eating better ways. He emphasized that the biggest bowl = meal largest, one of the problems that we face, at least in the United States, that our eyes are bigger than our stomachs, says Dr. Wansink, also says that when a question 150 Parisian when you realize that you Antheetm of the dinner was the answer when we feel satiety, and when asked the question the same for 150 people from the city of Chicago, the answer is when emptying the dish. Other experiments have shown that the size of the dish affects the amount of food intake, also it found that the amount of fluid cast in the short-cups broad more with 37% of those cast Balokwab high and long, Dr. Wansink says do not rely on the stomach to tell you when to saturate it may sometimes lie, the solution: it is eating, vigilant. To combat mindless eating you must get rid of the things in your surroundings on the spot and that pushes you toward overeating such as the environment: 1. Providing meals in small power dishes instead of large dinner plates. 2. Try to keep candy dishes for Nazerk and make healthy food at your fingertips. 3. eat in the kitchen or in the dining room, not in front of the television. 4. self feel full training.



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