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Boiled potatoes with mushroom and lemon


* Boiled potatoes with mushroom and lemon *

This dish is easy and simple and fast implementation suitable for patients with high blood pressure and a main dish .. offers rich in protein, carbohydrates and simple .. solvent olive oil for fat Tricycle and prevents the deposition on the wall of the arteries and heart arteries Faihmy .. taking into account the cancellation of salt (chloride sodium) and replaced by potassium salt


Boiled potatoes and diced clip – one teaspoon of olive oil – potassium salt, dedicated to patients and pressure sufficiency possible only with lemon juice – pepper – lemon juice – ½ cup chopped parsley – sliced mushrooms


Wash the potatoes, peeled and cut cubes and boiled in water, taking into account the complete lack of maturity of the potatoes so as not to Athry then filtered from the boiling water and leave to cool, then add the mushrooms and potassium salt and pepper, olive oil and lemon juice and chopped parsley and turned the well It then provides a cool and felicitously and labrum.

M / Najla Youssef



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