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7 health benefits of milk for your body and your bones and your teeth and your skin


7 health benefits of milk for your body and your bones and your teeth and your skin

1. milk provides essential nutrients

Milk contains nine essential nutrients and minerals including carbohydrates, vitamins, protein, potassium, phosphorus and magnesium. Milk intake is essential if you want a strong and fit body and good energy and vision and increase the number of red blood cells and strengthen the immune system and overall growth for you and your children.

2. milk helps to strengthen teeth and bone health

Calcium in milk promotes growth and maintains bone strength, and thus Milk is very useful not only for children but also for adults. Moreover, calcium helps prevent bone disorders and osteoporosis. Drinking milk also help promote good dental health.

3. milk prevents heart disease

Milk is rich in potassium which balances blood pressure and also takes care of your heart. One study has shown that daily consumption of milk helps prevent heart attacks. Drink milk, vegetables and fruits a day to Tsaatri Ola high blood pressure without medication.

4. Milk renew skin cells

Lactic acid found in milk helps to remove dead skin cells and renew your skin. This is the reason that many cosmetics contain in milk solids as an important element in helping clean the skin. If you want to have your skin smooth and softer, I use milk regularly.

5. milk prevents osteoporosis

Phosphate and calcium found in milk gives bone strength, structure and density and prevents or Jager osteoporosis, especially in women. In addition, Calcium relieves migraine headaches and problems of premenstrual syndrome. Milk also contains vitamin D, which is essential for healthy bones.

6. milk protects against cancer

Drinking milk regularly may Ihamaki against different types of cancers, especially breast and colon cancer. Cold milk consumption can also reduce the pH to a large extent.

7. prevents you from dry milk

Milk contains a large number of water molecules that help to keep moist and not feeling dehydrated. Therefore, the consumption of milk helps maintain the fluid in the body which helps to prevent dehydration. Children also need to be more fluid in their bodies Vtnolhm milk regularly is very important for their health.
Even if you hate milk or you are allergic to so you can get the health benefits of dairy various milk products such as yogurt, cheese, cream and butter.



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